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tales of a debian maintainer

A report on the italian mini-debconf

This weekend I went to Milano for the italian mini-debconf. I think about 50 people attended, but only a small number of them were developers. Anyway, it was fun and interesting.

Saturday, Mattia Monga started with a talk about Debian, free software and software engineering methods. I'm not sure about what he said because I was tired and slept all the time, but other people said it was interesting. Then Cristiano Rigamonti presented the status of internationalization in Debian, and Stefano Melchior followed with an introduction to user mode linux. I did not pay much attention to these talks either, because I was busy talking with Enrico Zini about his debtags project and other interesting stuff.

Sunday, Carlo Contavalli showed us how TLA can be used in large free software projects. I wish somebody would show how to use to maintain debian packages too. Then Enrico presented debtags and the concept of custom debian distributions, an applicant maintainer explained the NM process and I showed my recent work on a modular postfix policy daemon, not yet publically released. (Can you see that I got bored while writing this?)


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