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tales of a debian maintainer

I like receiving (some) bug reports

I suddenly realised that I like receiving bug reports. In a recent bout of structured procrastination I fixed more or less all the bugs I could fix in my packages (except ppp. I don't feel like working on ppp right now, does anybody want to help me?) and now this is a quiet period. Obsessively checking the bugs mailbox for new messages is a clear withdrawal symptom.

I am addicted to bugs for a very simple reason: they are a challenge. I stopped working on mutt because it was not interesting anymore to me and then I adopted ppp and packaged udev because I tough that maintaining them would require solving many interesting problems. It's too bad that solving some needs the collaboration of other developers, but this will be the topic of a different rant.

But not all bugs are an interesting challenge. Some are just a total waste of my time, which usually is much more valuable than the time of the submitter. I will show some examples.

So, if you can follow these simple rules I will probably not flame you to ashes the next time you will report a bug on one of my packages.


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